May 14, 2010

Last Blog...

So this is the last blog I will ever have to write for my Senior English class. I'm not sure if I will continue to blog after graduation, but I have enjoyed writing them through my senior year. I think it has helped me in documenting the year, but also in my writing abilities and skills. I hope that I will either blog or keep a journal for the rest of my life because I really like having it to look back on later and see the things that went on in my life.

May 5, 2010

Just Because..

Just because Kyle and I are fighting a bunch it hasn't changed how much that I have been falling more in love with him, it's a really weird concept that I'm aggravated at him but at the same time falling more in love with him. I think that I'm pretty crazy. It's weird how my brain does things, I think the main reason for this is because we are fighting, I am seeing that we are going to be able to make it past it all. Plus, he doesn't ignore everything, just somethings I think he is.
I'm not sure, I'm just a strange person I guess.


So I'm getting pretty fed up with all the fighting between Kyle and me. It almost feels like we are fighting about everything. I know it's really not us fighting, just the stress of everything building up, but it's really annoying. Mostly, I'm getting aggravated that he keeps acting like he doesn't know why I keep getting mad, and keeps letting things blow ever that he normally doesn't so it's making me question why he isn't putting the effort in to keep us from fighting. I just hope that most of this stress goes away and that there isn't too much damage from all this fighting.

May 4, 2010

Art Show..

So I feel pretty cool, I got 2 pieces of art work in the school art show. I used some pictures of Kyle that I took at the park, and worked with them until they had a Andy Whorhal kind of feel. I really liked them, and am qutie proud of myself. I'm not so worried about winning, I just think it's really cool that I even got any in.


‘Cause I would give everything that I own
I’d give you my heart and this skin and these bones
The sun the moon the earth the sky I’d never even stopped to wonder why
I would do anything
I would give everything
to be your everything

I found a new song the other day it's called Everything by Stereo Fuse, I think it's a beautiful song and the lyrics relate perfectly with my idea of true love. True love must be selfless, you should be willing to give up everything just to be with that person. I think this is the beauty of love, willing to make sacrifices for the person they love. I think this is how love is meant to be, if we follow the example of God who was willing to give up his son because he loved his people so much, we should be willing to give up everything we have to love someone. Possessions should never come between someones love for someone else. Nothing, should become between people and love.

April 26, 2010


Prom is this coming weekend, only 5 days away. I still have yet to order flowers or make dinner reservations, I've been so consumed in so many other things to focus my time on it. I really can't wait and I want to have fun, but things have been so crazy. I really think though that prom night will end up being stressful to begin with but once the actual prom starts it will be a great stress relief, and a lot of fun. Really I just can't wait to get all dressed up and go party with my friends.

My Character...

I cant stand that people will try to down my character, act like I am some kind of monster, some kind of terrible friend. I believe I have spent a very good while trying to prove myself as a good person, a good friend, always willing to do good for others. Just recently my very own father, or should I say a man who participate in my creation, because no father would do this to their own child, started to talk badly about me, saying that I was heading down the wrong road, that I was some selfish kind of monster. Then I told my friends about this, and the majority of them helped me through such a terrible time. Then there are these others, I'm not going to mention names, because that would cause more trouble than it is worth, but these people where willing to do the same. Act that I would hurt them intentionally, spreed rumors, and trash talk them. They know that I would never do this, but still are willing to say that I would, and then act like they have done nothing wrong. I am so tired of dealing with people like this, I'm so tired of having to face these problems. So I have officially ended my friendship with them both.

April 19, 2010


So I have an older half brother who I haven't seen in thirteen years, give or take a year. The reason is too long of a confusing story for me to type, but over that last two years we have began to reconnect, and now right after graduation he is driving a few hindered miles to come see me, we are planning to do something fun like go to an amusement park, or a awesome concert, and he wasn't to do some sort of road trip since we have our entire lives to catch up about, we both will have been graduated from high school, he started college, and joined the air force, so there is so much about each other w have no clue about. I can wait and I think it's going to be one of the most exciting events of my life. I can't wait to see what's going to happen and start building a relationship with my brother.


So i psychology class we had to take a personality test and it the results where 4 letters that represented your personality best, each letter had a different meaning. I was a ENFJ, and after reading the different personality traits of that personality, I believe that it was mostly correct. The neatest thing about it was that my boyfriends personality, and my personality where these matches, that sounded just like us. I thought it was kind of cool. It said I was an Idealist, which is very easy to see when I think about myself, that I always plan ahead, and have big dreams for myself. I thought that was cool, because I always have been that way. Pretty much, the survey was really cool, and gave great results. I thought it was also really cool that the careers that it said my personality was great for where exactly the type of career i want to go into. The funniest part was my boyfriend and I where talking about this to his parents, and his mother admitted that she had taken the same survey, and that Her and My personality results where the same. I guess guys do tend to fall for people like their mothers.

April 15, 2010

Blogging Rants..

I feel bad because all I can think to blog about is me ranting about how mad I am at people, I think I have a problem with telling people how I Feel. I wish that I could be More open with people, so that I didn't have this bottled up anger. Well really I am an open person, I am just not open about things that will upset our hurt the people i care about. I don't want to upset anyone else so they have to feel the way I feel when I am upset. I wish I knew what to do right now, because we are two months from graduation and it feels like me and my friends are falling apart. I hate having to be the mean person, and I have really given up on being the mean person, but I think its time that I start to be mean again, I'm not gonna watch people hurt me or hurt my friends anymore.